Ask smile expert Dr Chris Anderson what he likes most about Invisalign treatment and the answer is simple – it’s much, much easier than braces!
“With Invisalign it’s easier for clients to see exactly what they are getting before they say yes, it’s easier and quicker for them to get through treatment, and it’s easier for me to design the perfect treatment for each individual case”.
Chris prefers a consultative approach to treatment planning, with full patient or parent involvement. “The Invisalign 3D tools are not only incredibly powerful, they are also easily understood. The sequence of tooth movements plays like a time-lapse movie, from crooked to straight, so you can preview your new smile before treatment has even begun.”
Once treatment is under way, things are also easier for patients.” Braces severely limit the types of food you can eat, but aligners are removable so you can eat what you like”, Chris says. ”Invisalign also makes it much easier to keep your mouth clean and healthy, because braces act like velcro for food and plaque”.
Add in greater comfort & no emergency visits for broken brackets and wires, and you can see why Dr Anderson increasingly prefers Invisalign as his number one option for crowded or crooked teeth.
If you or someone you know has smile problems, why not call DentalPlus today and ask about our FREE, no-obligation Initial Smile Assessment.